As regular visitors to this site, you'll have seen our earlier posts on travel to and from Tuscany from the USA and UK, and no doubt found them extremely useful and informative.
We are delighted that many of you have already booked flights to the points of arrival we suggested, but we'd also really appreciate it if you could let us know what date and time you're planning to arrive. This is not just so that we can make sure we're ready to greet you all with open arms, show you to your rooms and introduce you to other guests, but it also helps us out with two other things.
Firstly, we are considering planning some sort of informal party during the week prior to the wedding on the Thursday. By letting us know when you'll be there, we can schedule this merry shin-dig accordingly. And secondly, since many of you will be arriving through the same airports, you might also conceivably be arriving at the same time as other guests. In order that everyone not have to arrange for their own transport individually, if you e-mail us when and where you're arriving, we can link you up with other guests so time, money and hassle can be saved.
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